Lately I've felt underwater, like a lot.
I brought this up recently with a group of amazing photographers and they asked some questions that really got me thinking, that maybe a lot of the feeling underwater thing was from the fact that I focus more one what I think I should need instead of what I do need.
Which lead me to two big realizations,
1. I am terrible at self care
2. That I wasn’t made to fit anyone else’s version of me
But for now I want to focus on the second one.
This idea of letting outside opinions hold more weight than my own isn't something new to me. It is something I've struggled with my entire life. I feel like I've always been guilty of letting other peoples opinions shape my dreams.
In high school a friend told me “you would look great with short hair” so I started to convince myself that they were most likely right and I should cut off all my hair. So...I did it, I cut off my long beautiful curls, and guess what...I regretted it instantly. Because it wasn’t who I was or what I wanted, but I let someone else convince me it was.
The more I think about it the more I realize it is something I do a lot, like a lot a lot.
Two that really stick out is after getting married, and after becoming a mom. I focused so much on being those things and fitting the mold that I lost track of me and what I needed, what I wanted.
Looking back it isn't something I'm super proud of, falling into the never-ending cycle of trying to fit into the titles of wife, mom, entrepreneur...I was focusing more on doing what I felt was expected of me, instead of doing it my way. I was forcing every part of me to try to fit into who I felt society expected me to be.
And in doing that I forgot that I was in charge.
I get to decide what I look like (to an extent), how I run my business, how I present myself. I am the only one that knows what I truly want and need, and it is about time I stop letting others opinions make me feel guilty when I do it my way.
So starting to day, I'm going to be me. Just me. No hiding, No more molds.