the universe did us dirty
7:30pm | North East | 10 minute | Playful | Spandex
Daisy came with all these wonderful ideas and I couldn't wait! I knew we had 10 minutes to go but I wanted something secluded-ish so on a nightly walk I realized the back of the neighborhood was about a 10 minute walk, so it felt like it was meant to be. For the actual shoot we drove, because y'all it is hot here in Georgia and we would have melted before we got there, I'm sure the universe understood. When we got back there and saw the big old mud puddle it felt like it was meant to be.
This was by far the messiest shoot I've done in a while, but it was so worth it! My feet are still Georgia clay colored, (I'm sure Daisy has it worse than I do lol), but it won't stop me from shooting there again!
What Daisy had to say:
I chose to take part in the Universe Decides photoshoot. We ended up in Tara's subdivision in the way back construction zone. I had on a 1 piece bathing suit, paint and ice cream as props. We started with ice cream and somehow ended up in mud. It was totally unplanned but thats the point of the universe decides.
It was so much fun! Tara instructed me on how to pose because I'm still very new to all of this. She made me feel very comfortable that I stripped down in the muddie puddles. I'm glad I did. It was a very freeing experience. I had mud everywhere but I would do it again! Highly recommend y'all to run in puddles with Tara.